Asthma and Adolescents
As you grow and develop into a young adult - GP or Adult health services will be the best place for you to receive the care you need for your Asthma/Respiratory condition.
In Paediatric services we are experts in looking after teenagers, children and babies. Adult services are experts in looking after young adults and older adults. This process of moving from Paediatric services to Adult care is called the ‘transition process’ and is a slow process over 2-3 years. During this time, you remain under the care of your Paediatric Consultant.
Moving to an adult service or into the care of your GP may seem daunting, or you may have increased anxiety about this process, especially if you have developed a relationship with your current Paediatric Consultant and Team. These feeling are normal but it is good to consider that this change also indicates that you are growing up and moving forwards in your life.
At Darent Valley Hospital we are fortunate to have a team that is particularly interested in Transition of care from Paediatric to Adult services. This gives you an opportunity to discuss any issues/concerns you may have moving into an Adult health service and advice on how services may differ to help you get prepared. Your parent/Career will have an important role to play to help you feel ready, and remember they have been key in ensuring your health needs have been looked after while growing up, so they will be able to offer some good advice and guidance.
To help with this transition process and to alleviate any concern, you could start to practice some of the following to help you prepare for this change:
- Learn about your Asthma or health conditions and understand the treatments that you are currently on.
- Ask questions in your clinic appointment or if you are admitted to the ward to help understand your condition further
- Ask your parents/carers how to source your repeat prescriptions and practice completing this
- Learn the names of your medications and how to take
- If you require a GP appointment/additional appointments, practice making these appointments yourself - here is a short clip about self-advocacy: