Welcome to our section on Difficulty Breathing and  Anxiety!

To get started, please watch this short (just under 10 minutes) video on anxiety and breathing problems.  After watching the video please click on the sections below for more information. 

For more information and support regarding anxiety and breathing problems, please view our our Patient & Carer resources section, or contact our Paediatric Psychology team at:


Asthma and Difficulty Breathing

Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust with the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital have also put together some very useful resources on asthma and difficulty in breathing in teenages and young adults.  View our video and links above, then visit their webpage below for more information!

Topics include:

  • Breathlessness
  • Observing your breathing pattern
  • Breathing retraining
  • Exercise
  • The science behind how and why we breathe
  • Posture
  • Exercise safety information for teenagers and young adults with asthma
  • Telling your symptoms apart


Please visit their webpage by clicking on the pic below:
